29 Business Park Drive ..Branford, CT 06405 USA / Tel. 203.488.5555 / Toll free: 888.DRM.BOND (376.2663)
E: drmbond@drmco.com / Fax: 203.488.2821

DRM-BOND - The Ultimate in Bonding
Advanced Crystalline
Peak Performance
DiamondCrown Stratification       Technique

DRM is a Research, Development and Manufacturing Center of Dental
Restorative Materials located in Branford, Connecticut USA since 1993 and represented in (26) countries worldwide.

The DRM Restorative Materials are based on a Novel PEX Poly-Crystalline Matrix reinforced with a Bio-Medical Grade Nano-Ceram. This Formulae represents an unrivalled 18 years Clinically Proven Functional-Aesthetic-Biocompatible solution for Optimum Peak-Performance of Restorative, Prosthodontic and Implant Dentistry.

The Elite of Restoratives

PolyCeram Nano-Technology